As we’re entering proper spring time in Turku, our reviewers are going through the last parts of evaluating the applications for the first call, after which the Selection Committee will have their meeting on the 3rd of June. The applicants will be notified with information about their reviews and ranking during June.

Selection Committee
Chair Harriet Wallberg, Professor, Karolinska Institutet
Vice-Chair Eero Jokinen, Professor, Finnish Cardivascular Foundation
Ville Kytö, MD PhD, R&D Director, Wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland
Pekka Hänninen, Dean, UTU
Pasi Liljeberg, Professor, UTU
Pasi Virta, Professor, UTU
Jyrki Heino, Professor, UTU
Pirjo Nuutila, Professor, UTU
Sari Stenholm, Professor, UTU
Kari Kalliokoski, Research Manager, UTU
Tapio Lönnberg, Senior Research Fellow, UTU
Ex officio members
Markus Juonala, Professor, SYS-LIFE Director, UTU
Georges Kazan, Research Manager, SYS-LIFE Vice Director, UTU
Sanni Helander, Coordinator, UTU
Anni Wärri, Development Manager, UTU
Eeva Rainio, Head of Development, UTU